8 Easy Tips About How to Remove Smell from Carpet


Carpet makes a welcoming addition to your home, as it adds beauty and style and improves the home’s air quality. According to statistics, approximately 90% of Americans spend their time indoors, meaning indoor air quality is supposed to be good. But what if the scenario is the opposite?

 What should you do if your carpet has an unpleasant smell? It will ultimately ruin the overall atmosphere of the room. The next thing you would be googling is how to remove smell from carpet, right?

 It can be done at home by applying the right techniques, but it requires a lot of effort and time. For small rugs and carpets, you can opt for the best and most professional dry cleaners in town, like Love2Laundry. We can help you get rid of carpet odour and improve the air quality of your home by deodorising the carpet.

Apart from this you can also figure out “how to remove candle stains from carpet” in few simple steps.

Identify the Source of the Smell

If your carpet has an unpleasant smell and you are looking for how to remove smell from carpet, then you are supposed to identify the source of the smell, as it may lead to other health issues and can affect the environment of your home. A host of multiple reasons cause it, some of which are mentioned below:

  • Due to the humidity and moisture, it may lead to a musty odour and can cause several health risks if left untreated.
  • If you own pets, then there are more possibilities that their urine may cause a smell due to the gasses released by the bacteria.
  • The carpets smoke cigarettes or ashes, and they cause a stinky smell all around.
  • When the carpet gets old, the fibres break down, and it starts smelling old. In such cases, the carpet should be replaced instead of being dry-cleaned.
  • The spills of food and drinks onto the carpet lead to an unpleasant odour. These organic products are attracted to bacteria. So when they break down, they release smelly gasses.
a man cleaning carpet with a brush

8 effective tips about how to remove smell from carpet

However, if you are still wondering about how to remove smell from carpet, then there is good news for you: your carpet can be free from unpleasant odours and harmful gasses by approaching the 8 effective methods of using pantry ingredients for deodorising carpets, such as bacteria, vinegar solution, enzyme cleaners, or commercial odour neutralisers.

Method 1: Baking Soda

When it comes to home remedies against any smell or stains, baking soda is considered the winner, even used by professional carpet cleaners. Baking soda’s main purpose is to trap the smell by absorbing moisture and humidity.

  • Sprinkle a small amount of baking soda on your carpet.
  • Pick a carpet brush with soft bristles to rub over it.
  • You can even use your fingers to spread it out.
  • Leave it overnight to settle on the surface.
  • Vacuum it the next day properly.
  • If the smell still exists, then you may need to repeat the process.
  • On a dry carpet, it will absorb odours.
  • On a wet carpet, it will absorb moisture along with odours.

Method 2: Vinegar Solution

Like baking soda, white vinegar is also one of the best natural ingredients to fight against musty smells and works amazingly if you are looking for “how to remove carpet smell from carpet”. It is biodegradable and has antibacterial properties; hence, it is a good eco-solution.

  • Make a vinegar solution in a spray bottle.
  • Vinegar has a pungent smell, so diluting it with water is better.
  • Lightly spray the areas of the carpet where smells are more prominent.
  • Leave it to settle for a few hours.
  • When the solution is completely absorbed, vacuum it.
  • Repeat the process if the smell still persists.

Method 3: Steam Cleaning

Steam cleaning is the best way to get rid of carpet odour, but only if your carpet can resist it. It kills up to 99.9% of bacteria and germs, as steam cleaning can get deep into the fibres of the carpet, and adding essential oils will eliminate the musty smell and create a fresh smell in your carpet.

  • The first step should be to remove all the obstacles in your way while steam cleaning.
  • Dust and skirt the adjoining areas of the carpet and vacuum it thoroughly.
  • Fill the steamer with water.
  • Set the desired temperature, and make sure it’s not extremely hot.
  • There is no need for additional chemicals or disinfectants.
  • Now start steaming it in small sections, one square foot at a time.
  • Now, it is time for the air to dry the carpet naturally. No artificial heat or blow dryer is needed.
  • Don’t leave the carpet in the sun for too long, as direct exposure might damage it.
a man vacuuming the carpet

Method 4: Enzyme Cleaners

Enzyme cleaners are a practical solution as they eliminate the source of the smell and break down the chemicals naturally. Also, it keeps the environment fresh and healthy.

  • Prepare the area by diluting it with warm water.
  • Remove the excess stain and its residues with a damp cloth.
  • After removing the excess, apply the enzyme cleaner to the area where the smell is more prominent.
  • Spray the area and leave it for 15–20 minutes.
  • Scrub it thoroughly.

Method 5: Commercial Odor Neutralisers

Commercial odour is a non-toxic, plant-based natural ingredient. The neutralisers can be added to any steam cleaner and remove the toughest and most stubborn odours.

  • Vacuum the carpet to remove the loose dirt and debris from the surface.
  • Before applying the neutraliser, check the instructions for the application.
  • Test in an inconspicuous area to ensure it does not cause any damage.
  • Apply the neutraliser to the targeted area according to the recommended dosage.
  • Leave it to penetrate into the surface of the carpet.
  • Let the air pass through it naturally instead of blow-drying it to ease the neutraliser process.

Method 7: Vodka Spray

Alcohol could be really effective in removing carpet odour, as it breaks down the smell-causing compounds directly, especially for stubborn odours like bacteria and mould.

  • Let the alcohol sit for 15 minutes.
  • Blot with a rag until dry.
  • Use a sprinkle of baking soda if there are any remaining scents.
  • Let the baking soda sit for 30 minutes, then vacuum.
  • Pour a small amount of vodka into a bottle and dilute it with water.
  • Spray it on the targeted area.
  • Let the alcohol settle on the surfaces for at least 15 minutes.
  • Blot it gently over the surface.
  • Add baking soda as well for better results.
  • Let it sit for another 30 minutes.
  • Vacuum it thoroughly.

Method 8: Professional Carpet Cleaner

Professional dry cleaners know how to remove odours from carpets because they can handle your rugs and small carpets carefully. It requires special techniques and neutralisers to deal with it. However, for dry cleaning of small rugs and carpets, you can approach Love2Laundry without hesitation.

Wrap Up!

Since your carpet is subjected to many potential sources, it’s essential to address the proper techniques for how to remove smell from carpet. Using commercial odour neutralisers, consider steam cleaning for a more thorough treatment to maintain a fresh-smelling carpet, ensure regular cleaning, and address spills quickly.

By adopting these practical steps, you can deodorise the carpet and contribute to a cleaner and smell-free carpeted environment.

How do I make the carpet smell good?

If your carpet smells bad, you can make it better by just applying home remedies or using special chemicals such as baking soda, vinegar solution, essential oil or enzyme cleaner, commercial odour neutralisers, vodka, or by getting professional help. This way, you can make your carpet smell good.

Is there any DIY method to make carpet odour remover?

Borax can be used against the most challenging and deepest carpet odours, making a solution of borax in equal parts with baking soda in a 1:1 ratio. Apply the mixture to the area of the carpet for at least an hour, then vacuum it like you would while using plain baking soda.

How do I remove the dog pee smell from the carpet?

Using a soft microfiber cloth, soak up the soiled area as much as possible.
1. it with cold water and soak it again.
2. Sprinkle the baking soda and let it sit over it.
3. Wait until the urine smell deodorises completely.
4. Make a vinegar solution in a 1:1 ratio of vinegar and water.
5. Spay it over the soiled area.
6. Blot the area after 5 to 10 minutes.

Why does my carpet smell so bad?

There are many factors or reasons why your carpet smells so bad, but moisture could be a significant factor. It absorbs moisture due to the high humidity, which leads to a foul odour. Other than that, food and drink spills, pet messes, and standing water can eventually create an unpleasant smell.