Easy Tips To Remove Soft Drink Stains From Clothes and Carpet


You’re partying with friends, and oh, did you spill a soft drink over your favourite shirt? That hurts—we understand! But if you know how to remove soft drink stains from clothes correctly, you’ll be back in chilling mode. 

Let’s say goodbye to all the uninvited stains by learning suitable approaches, including how to remove dried soda stains.

Please stay in your happy bubble and assign this task to us, the stain liberation hub Love2Laundry. Our team of experts is here to transform your wardrobe. We not only remove soft drink stains from clothes but also provide quick and effective services 24/7. Be Love2Laundry your stained saviour with grace and bid farewell to spills, leaving no trace.   

But if you prefer not to opt for professional laundry services and are looking for practical tips to remove soft drink stains from clothes and carpets, then this blog is a saviour for you. Let’s find out the best tips to remove soft drink stains in just one go. 

How To Remove Soft Drink Stains From Clothes

Spilt a soft drink over your favourite shirt? And now all you might be doing is google how to get Coke out of clothes. Having to go out in stained clothes would feel like rubbing salt in the wound. But don’t worry; we have some valuable tricks to tell you. Remove soft drink stains from clothes by applying the following mentioned steps:

Step 1: Act Quickly

The first thing to fight against the stains is to act quickly. Taking prompt action is always an effective way to deal with stains, especially if it’s a Coke stain or to remove soda stains. Start by using a dull-edged knife or spoon to scrape away any solid residue from the fabric gently. This helps prevent the stain from spreading further. Once you’ve removed all the solids, start blotting the stained area gently with a clean microfiber cloth or paper towel. 

Dab gently from the outside of the stain toward the centre to avoid spreading it further. Do not rub or scratch the paint, as this can embed it more deeply into the fabric. By taking these prompt actions, you increase your chances of successfully removing the paint.

Step 2: Cold Water Rinse

After blotting it with a dead-point knife, rinse it with cold water. Cold water is way more effective than hot water, as hot water can settle the stain deeper into the surface. Hold the stained area under a gentle stream of cold water, allowing the water to flow through the fabric and flush out as much of the stain as possible. 

If the garment cannot be rinsed under a pipe, you can place it in a basin filled with cold water and gently rub the fabric. This process will help you to fade and remove the stain without causing further damage. By using cold water, you preserve the integrity of the fabric and prolong its lifespan while working to eliminate the stain.

Step 3: Dish Soap Magic

Dish soap can be used to remove soft drink stains from clothes; apply it before you run the wash cycle. However, it is advisable to hand wash a small load of clothes as a preventive measure. Apply a small amount directly to the stained area and gently rub it into the fabric using your fingers or a soft brush. 

Allow the dish soap to sit on the surface for a few minutes to break down the residues and pigments. Additionally, hand washing allows you to treat each stain individually, increasing your chances of removing them effectively. 

Step 4: Rinse and Repeat

The last step is to rinse the fabric in cold water. If the stain is not removed, you may repeat the process as per your requirements. This helps wash away any residues of dish soap and loosened stain particles. Suppose the stain persists after rinsing. Make sure not to air dry the clothes; it will make it harder to remove or ultimately damage the fabric’s fibres. 

After you’ve treated and rinsed the stained area, avoid air drying the garment. Letting the fabric dry naturally in the open air may cause the stain to set, making it more difficult to remove later. Additionally, prolonged exposure to sunlight can damage the fabric’s fibres and fade its colours. Instead, consider using a gentle cycle in the dryer or drying the garment in a shaded area to help preserve its quality.

How To Remove Soft Drink Stains From Carpet

Suppose your carpet got a taste of the soft drink, especially when it’s a silk carpet, and get any type of stain quickly, but worry not! Here’s everything you need to know about how to remove soft drink stains from carpet. It can be tricky to deal with, but by following these steps, you, your future self, will be sending thank you notes on our way.

There’s one more question people always ask: “Does coke stain clothes?” Well, even if it does, you’ll get the correct solution to remove it down below:

Step 1: Blot, Don’t Rub

The first and foremost step in removing soft drink stains from the carpet is to act quickly. Pick a paper towel or soft fabric to absorb the soft drink from the carpet; blot the towel into the stain gently, but don’t rub it. 

Rubbing the stain will allow it to settle on the surface and make it difficult to remove the stains. Once it absorbs the liquid, replace the paper towel or else it will get saturated with the liquid. Finally, clean the carpet surface using a clean cloth soaked in cool water.

Step 2: Prepare a Cleaning Solution

You can easily prepare a cleaning solution with the help of the instructions mentioned below:

  • 1 Cup of Washing Soda
  • 1 Cup Hydrogen Peroxide (3%)
  • 2 Cups Hot Distilled Water

Step 3: Apply The Cleaning Solution & Wait

Now it’s time to apply the cleaning solution:

  • Pick a brush with soft bristles to work the oxygen bleach solution on the carpet.

  • Soak the area in a solution for a while, at least one hour.

  • Make sure not to over-wet the fabric, as it can cause mould due to excess moisture. 

By following the steps mentioned above, you’ll learn how to remove soft drink stains from the carpet efficiently.

Step 4: Allow To Air Dry

Once you are done with the cleaning process, allow it to air dry and examine it later for any stain residues. If they are still visible, repeat these steps one more time or until they disappear permanently. And that’s how to remove soft drink stains from the carpets effortlessly.

General Tips For Success

Avoid Heat

An essential tip to success when removing soft drink stains from clothes is to avoid heat. Heat can set the stains on the surface of the fabric and make it more difficult to remove them. Instead, rinse the stained area with cold water immediately to prevent the stain from setting. Avoid using a dryer until you are sure the stain has been completely removed, as the heat from the dryer can make the stain permanent.

Patience is a Virtue

Treating the coke stains from your clothes with patience is indeed an act of virtue. The actual process to remove soft drink stains from clothes requires patience and a gradual approach. Pre-treat the stain with a gentle detergent or stain remover and let it sit for a while before washing it in cold water.

Check Care Labels

It is essential to check care labels before you are about to remove soft drink stains from clothes using different techniques. Different fabrics have different instructions and protocols. Try to check on them.

Test in Hidden Areas

If you are running the test to remove soft drink stains from clothes, you need to test it in an inconspicuous area first. This indicates whether the chemical you are using is safe for your fabric, as it may vary depending on its reaction with certain chemicals.


Does Coke come out of clothes?

Yes, absolutely; if we act quickly and treat it accordingly, then coke stains can easily come out of clothes.

Does white vinegar remove cola stains?

Vinegar is always effective in treating stains. Hence, white vinegar can easily remove cola stains from your clothes or carpet.

Which soda has the highest potential for causing stains?

Dark soda has the highest potential for causing stains, such as those of the cola variety.

Does Coke stain clothes?

Yes, coke stains clothes, but you can get rid of it by applying the simple hacks using home ingredients.

Wrap Up!

So now we have concluded that Coke does stain clothes, but that’s not the end! By implementing these practical techniques to remove soft drink stains from clothes, you can bid farewell to them permanently and wear your favourite shirt again. 

From taking instant action to applying the cleaning solution and rinsing it with cold water, Love2Laundry would love to offer you expertise and services. It can make it disappear like a magic spell if you’ve finally learned how to remove soft drink stains from carpet.