Stain Removal: Best Ways to Get Stains Out of White Clothes


Washing your white clothes using laundry detergent is a common practice, but it’s important to note that stain removal techniques can vary depending on the type of stain. If you’re wondering how to get stains out of white clothes effectively, this blog will provide you with some amazing tricks to restore your white outfits to their pristine condition.

If you find yourself struggling to get stains out of white shirts, don’t hesitate to reach out to Love2Laundry for professional assistance. Our experienced team is well-equipped with various techniques to ensure your clothes are treated with the utmost care.

Regardless of the type of stain on your white shirt, our skilled individuals will handle it with precision. However, if you’re still interested in learning effective techniques for how to remove stains from white shirts, continue reading below:

How to Get Stains Out of White Clothes

Most people fail to find an effective solution for removing stains from white outfits because they do not follow the proper instructions for how to get stains out of white clothes. For instance, a stain can be removed by using cold water when warm water is required.

Coffee Stains

  • The first and most crucial step in removing stains from white shirts is to act promptly. Look for quick and effective solutions by utilizing your surroundings.
  • The easiest solution for getting stains out of white clothes is to blot the stain with a clean cloth as much as possible to prevent it from spreading.
  • Next, rinse your white outfit with cold water, as it is the most effective way to remove stains from white clothes.
  • Now, apply your preferred laundry detergent and soak your outfit in cold water for 15 to 30 minutes.
  • Place your clothes in the washing machine to eliminate the coffee stains effectively. Ensure that you follow all these steps to effectively remove stains from white clothes.

Wine Stains

  • If you discover wine stains on your favorite white outfit, don’t panic. Begin by blotting the stain with a clean cloth to prevent it from spreading further.
  • When exploring methods for removing stains from white shirts, particularly wine stains, opt for cold water instead of hot water.
  • The next step in tackling stains on white clothes is to treat the affected area with either salt or baking soda.
  • Now, create a cleaning solution using vinegar and cold water, allowing the stained portion of your outfit to soak for a maximum of 30 minutes.
  • After the pretreatment, launder your clothes and check for any residues before proceeding to dry them.

Grass Stains

  • The initial step in addressing grass stains is to eliminate the excess by using a knife or any sharp-edged object.

  • Create a cleaning solution by combining equal parts stain remover and laundry detergent to pretreat the white shirt stain. Remember to rub the stained area gently, as applying excessive pressure may complicate the stain-removal process.

  • Submerge your clothes in cold water for approximately 15 to 30 minutes. Afterward, transfer them to the washing machine and initiate the washing cycle.

  • Thoroughly inspect your clothes for any remaining residues before allowing them to dry.

Ink Stains

  • When dealing with ink stains, avoid rubbing them, as it may complicate the removal process. Instead, use a clean towel as it’s the best way to get stains from white clothes.

  • If you’re applying a stain remover, be sure to test it separately first to ensure it won’t damage the fabric; this is a crucial step in learning how to get stains out of white clothes.

  • For the removal of ink stains on white outfits, it’s essential to apply isopropyl alcohol.

  • Repeat the above process if necessary after checking your outfit, or proceed to wash it in the washing machine.

  • The final step in the process of removing stains from white clothes is to dry them. Avoid using an air dryer; instead, hang them on a clothesline for a natural drying process.

Tomato Sauce Stains

  • Place your white outfit on a flat surface and remove all excess tomato sauce.

  • Rinse the affected area thoroughly with cold water, ensuring to avoid hot water at all costs.

  • Soak your garment in cold water for 15 to 30 minutes, then treat the stain with dish soap.

  • Apply a cleaning solution that includes vinegar, and proceed to wash your clothes in the washing machine.

  • As mentioned earlier, avoid using dryers for drying your clothes, as the heat can set the stain marks permanently on your garments.

Blood Stains

  • Take a fresh cloth and blot the bloodstain instead of rubbing it to remove as much as possible to get stains out of the clothes.

  • Use cold water throughout the washing process, as hot water can make the stain denser.

  • Prepare a solution containing salt or saline and use it to pretreat the stain.

  • Optionally, you can add a commercial stain remover to your list of methods for getting stains out of white clothes.

  • Wash your clothes as usual in the washing machine and inspect them before finalizing the drying process for how to get stains out of white clothes.

Sweat Stains

  • Initiate the pretreatment process by first rinsing your outfit with cold water. Apply a cleaning solution consisting of water and vinegar to the stain.

  • In the absence of vinegar, baking soda can be used as a substitute for pretreating the stain.

  • Following pretreatment, turn on your washing machine, add your clothes and detergent, and wait until the washing cycle is completed.

  • Double-check your clothes for any remaining stains and, if needed, repeat the process.

  • Finally, hang your clothes on a clothesline and let them air-dry naturally for how to get stains out of white clothes.

Chocolate Stains

  • The first step in removing chocolate stains is simple: use a knife or any object with sharp edges to remove the excess chocolate.

  • Rinse the stained area with cold water and pretreat it with liquid laundry detergent.

  • Submerge your outfit in cold water again and let it sit for at least 30 minutes to assess the state of the stain. If necessary, repeat the process.

  • Place your outfits in the washing machine and initiate the washing cycle using an enzyme-based detergent.

  • When it comes to drying, it’s advisable to refer to the instructions mentioned on your clothes for guidance on how to get stains out of white clothes.


How do you get stains out of white clothes that have been dried?

It’s simple. Prepare a solution containing water and vinegar in equal ratios, and then soak your white clothes in it. Then, gently rub the stained area with a brush.

Do stains come off white clothing?

Of course. If you follow accurate methods and techniques, no stain will come out of white clothing. Or, you can get the premium laundry services of Love2Laundry to make your job easy.

Can lemons remove stains from clothes?

Yes, lemon can remove stains from white clothes. Just apply some of it to the stained area, leave the solution for some time, and then wash it off.

Wrap Up!

No matter how you look at it, “How to get stains out of white clothes” is the most commonly asked question. The reason is that people are very sensitive when it comes to maintaining white-coloured outfits, and getting no result puts stress on their minds.

But don’t worry; by following the strategies mentioned above, you’ll be able to learn the effective ways for how to get stains out of white clothes, whether they appear in coffee, wine, or even chocolate.