How to Clean your Car Windows

Girl cleaning car window

Windows are one of the most crucial parts of your car, especially the windshield, and surely cleaning them is the only best option as they get targeted by dust and other polluted materials, and if you do not clean them regularly, then it’ll make your driving more difficult.

Moreover, you must be certain that the cleaning materials you’re choosing are authentic in order to clean your car windows and make them shiny, just like a new one, not only from the outside but inside as well. So, if you want to learn some useful steps for how to clean your car windows, it’s important to know about the tools required first.

Before moving forward, here’s a friendly reminder for you that if you’re looking for the best laundry and dry cleaning services in Amsterdam, then contact Love2Laundry straight away to make sure that your clothes are under the care of professionals.

Things Use to Clean Car Windows

  • Distilled white vinegar
  • Glass cleaner
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Lint-free microfiber rags

Step-by-Step Guide for How to Clean Your Car Windows 

Get Rid of Dust from Your Windows

The first step required to clean car windows is to make sure to get rid of all the dust from the exterior part of the windows. Besides that, there might be some leaves and twigs stuck on the bottom of your windshield, which makes your vipers dirty as well. 

However, if the leaves are too thin and cannot be taken out by hand, then you can use a vacuum as well to remove all the remaining dust from the corners of the windshield.

Clean the Car Windows One by One

There’s a common mistake people make every time while cleaning their cars, which is cleaning windows simultaneously. But the best way is to clean your car windows one by one, and you need a piece of cloth and glass spray for it. 

Apply the spray on each glass as required, and make sure to wipe it off with a clean cloth before it gets dry. The best motion to get rid of excess dirt is to start wiping the window from up to down, and if the stain on your window is dense and thick, then applying some extra pressure on the specific part will do the trick.

Make sure to Buff your Windows

After cleaning your car windows with the spray, take another piece of clean microfiber cloth and rub it on the exterior part to get rid of the remaining streak. However, if you’re in an emergency and don’t have a microfiber cloth, then you can use a window squeegee as an alternative method.

Just make sure to keep the window squeegee option as the second priority, as they won’t remove the streaks completely; window squeegee will only buff the exterior part of the windows enough so that you can see the road while driving.

Use Microfiber Towels to clean the interior windshield   

The best way to clean car windows is to clean the interior part as well, and if you’re thinking about the process, it’s the same as cleaning the outer part of the windshield, and even the materials required are the same.

You can start by applying a clean microfiber cloth on the interiors of your car windows in the same up-and-down motion to make sure all the dust and debris are removed.

a man cleaning car window with soap and water

Pro Tips for Cleaning Car Windows at Home

Now that you’ve learned about the steps, make sure to remember some effective tips to enhance your cleaning process, which are:

  • The first essential tip you must remember is to wash your windshield last because after washing the roof of your car, all the stain and debris will fall on the windshield, so cleaning it at the end will do the job.
  • Wipe down your car windows while in the shade or at a cooler temperature so that it’ll slow the process of rapid evaporation on window cleaner.
  • Make sure to use new microfiber clothes and rags instead of the used ones to avoid greasy and oily substances getting attached to your windshield.

Final Thoughts

Car windows are surely the most sensitive and exposed to all the pollution and dust; even if your car is parked in a garage somehow, the windows of your car will get dirty. 

So, to keep it clean, following the steps mentioned above for how to clean car windows weekly is the best option to make sure that you won’t face any difficulty while driving.

And one more thing!

Here’s a piece of good news for you: Love2Laundry has expanded its services in all the areas of Amsterdam. So, if you’re having trouble washing your clothes, then hiring our laundry services will do the job, as experienced individuals will wash your clothes.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to clean car windows with vinegar?

Vinegar is the best cleaning solution for car windows. It would be best if you prepared the solution first by combining distilled white vinegar and water in a spray bottle, applying it on the car windows and cleaning it using a clean microfiber cloth.

What is the best thing to wipe car windows with?

The best materials to clean car windows are microfiber cloth and lint-free paper towels. The designs of these materials are solely based on removing strong and deep stains and streaks. 

What do professionals use to clean car windows without streaks?

The sign of a professional car window cleaner is that they use an authentic car window cleaner and microfiber cloth as they’re manufactured, keeping in mind that all the stains and streaks are completely removed from the glass.

Can you use paper towels on car windows?

Paper towels are best for cleaning car windows, but it is best to keep them as a second option because the chances of paper towels leaving streaks behind are higher.