Simplifying The Pantry Cleanup – How To Clean Your Pantry


Imagine coming home to your kitchen after a long, exhausting day, only to open the pantry door and find chaos instead of order. If you can relate to this scenario, you might be searching for tips on how to clean your pantry effectively. 

Let us guide you through the process that’ll teach you everything to get a well-organised and clean pantry. And what if you spill something on your clothes while cleaning up the pantry? Well, no worries, Love2Laundry is here for you.

So, if you want to know more about the pantry cleanout process, then our expert cleaners will explain every process in detail.

How To Clean Your Pantry

Whether you want to know how to clean your pantry stains or how to clean your kitchen, it’s not a piece of cake, right? So, if you are planning a pantry cleanout, here are the seven most straightforward tips you can try out.

Materials You’ll Need

The equipment and tools you must require for a kitchen cleanout are mentioned below:

  • Vacuum
  • Microfiber cloth
  • All-purpose cleaner 
  • Disinfectant or disinfecting wipes
  • Cardboard boxes or trash bins.

 Step 1: Empty The Shelves

The first step in “how to clean your pantry” is to empty the shelves and remove everything from the pantry. Place the items on nearby countertops or bring over a table to hold everything. You can also arrange them according to item type and product.

Step 2: Check Expiry Dates

To maintain pantry hygiene, keep track of food items, especially those stored in the pantry, by checking the expiry dates and label instructions. Discard the expired items and make a new space for the food to be stored in an order.

Step 3: Wipe Down Shelves

When it comes to how to clean your pantry? Wiping down the shelves is one of the crucial steps. Now it’s time to clean the shelves and cabinets deep. Wear suitable cleaning gloves for a safety point of view, grab your all-purpose cleaner, and apply the cleaner to the areas where dust and stains are built up. 

Make a solution of warm water and a bit of mild dish soap, then soak a cotton cloth in the solution and dap it on the affected area. Just wipe down the shelves with a soapy solution using a soft cloth and rinse it with clear water.

Step 4: Categorize Your Items

Begin with categorising your pantry items according to their type and size. Remove any items that do not belong to the place and put them in their actual spot. Pick cardboard boxes or shopping bags before you start sorting. Label the areas as “keep,” “donate,” or “trash,” just in case, as it’ll help you a lot with how to clean your pantry.

Step 5: Invest in Storage Containers

Investing in storage containers is a smart move for organising your pantry. Label each container and place it in its designated spot. Ensure that essential items are easily accessible and group similar items together to organise your pantry shelves efficiently.

With these strategies in place, you’ll enjoy a tidy and functional pantry that makes meal preparation easy. Remember to make a list of how to clean your pantry and note down this step.

Step 6: Tackle Spills and Stains

Tackle spills and stains quickly to avoid more significant stain mishaps. In addition, each stain should be treated with proper care and technique for better results. In short, it’s the best step for “ how to clean your pantry.”

Step 8: Rotate Your Stock

Rotating stock is a process by which food can be stored and reduced in wastage. The oldest stock is removed, and new stock is added to the front shelves.

Expert Tips For Pantry Cleaning

Gear Maintenance With Lisa

Stainless steel is tough and durable, but due to oil buildup, it forms a hard layer. When you give it a little scrub with the sponge, you will get the food out but not the brownish coat. In that case, following this additional tip along with “how to clean your pantry” is necessary.

You can use the cleaning powder to clean the stainless steel. It contains the ingredients of a normal soap, like oxalic acid, mineral abrasives, and surfactants. Scrub the solution and rinse it with cold water, and your shiny, sparkly pan is ready.

Gear Maintenance With Hannah

Making pizza at home can be challenging, especially when the pizza pan is sticky and rusty. You can use a bench scraper, a spatula, or a scrub brush. Preheat the item to 500 degrees. Follow this tip, especially when you’re looking for a suitable way for “how do you clean out kitchen?”

Oil it a little bit using a soft brush; this will help seal up that surface and suck up things like water and soap. This way, you can get a shiny and non-stick pizza pan.


What can I use to clean my pantry?

You can try various techniques to clean the pantry. Make a solution of warm water and a tablespoon of an all-purpose cleaner. Dip a clean microfiber cloth in the solution and wring it. Start at the top of the pantry and wipe down the shelves and walls individually. Also, clean the floor.

What are the most important things to keep in your pantry?

The most important things to keep in your pantry are:

Canned goods
Baking staples

These foods are the essential ingredients of many meals and have a longer shelf life than the items you keep in the refrigerator.

Why is it important to clean the pantry?

Kitchens are a high-traffic area that attracts dust. Food can be attracted by unwanted pests, which is why cleaning the pantry is essential. Not only is it essential to keep your cupboards organised to discard expired and spoiled food items, but also to clean the shelves and racks. So remember, whenever you’re out of sorts about how to clean out your kitchen, contact Love2Laundry.

How often should I clean my pantry?

Cleaning your pantry should be done at least once a month or twice. It’ll allow you to keep abreast of the food you have stored in your pantry. However, regular cleaning is also essential to keep pests away from the food.

Wrap Up!

Having an organised kitchen and pantry is essential, especially if you have a busy schedule and don’t have a helper. We hope by now you will be aware of how to clean your pantry using the seven practical tips in no time.

Start by emptying the shelves and organising them according to the same type of products. Make sure to check the expiry dates before using them. However, you can add a professional touch by hiring Love2Laundry and availing yourself of exceptional services for “how to clean your pantry.”