How to get oil and grease stains out of clothes [Tried & Tested]


Are you getting fed up with those greasy stains on your shirt? and looking to find how to remove oil and grease stains? First of all, take a deep breath and examine the stain, read the instructions written on the clothing label carefully, and follow the methods that are the most effective ones.

But if you’re facing any difficulty regarding washing your clothes, then there’s no better way for you than hiring laundry services from Love2laundry. No matter how tough the oil and grease stains are, the team of experienced individuals at Love2Laundry will make sure to remove them.


Oil and grease stains have a sticky substance because of fatty acids that go deep into the fibers of your outfits quickly and leave a permanent mark. In addition, it’s impossible to remove them in insoluble water. The older the stain gets, the harder it’ll get for you to remove it.

You’ll also see that people kept asking, “Will vinegar remove grease from clothes?” The answer is yes, in fact, vinegar is one of the best choices while preparing a cleaning solution for combatting oil stains.


Cotton and polyester fabrics are the most common ones and can be worn in all seasons. However, you must remain one step ahead in terms of removing stains, especially the oily and greasy ones. 

The reason is that the damage caused by these stains is the most dangerous and it’ll require some extra effort in removing them. But if you follow the steps mentioned below to deal with oil and grease stains on clothes, the success you’ll get will exceed your expectations.


Step 1: Remove Excess Grease

Start by placing your shirt on a flat surface and clear out the air from it. Then take a knife and scrape off the excess grease to remove old oil stains from clothes. After that, blot the stained area with a clean towel or cloth to get rid of all the remaining traces of grease to a maximum level.

Remember one thing to avoid using colored cloth or towel when blotting the stain as it can result in transferring the color on your clothes which will further ruin the situation.

Step 2: Rub in Detergent or Soap

Once you’re done blotting oil and grease stains, start rubbing in the detergent on the affected area as a pretreatment before the final wash. Besides that, you can apply an enzyme-based detergent to the stain and let it set for 10 minutes.

After that, when you take your clothes for a wash with liquid soap, you’ll notice that the remaining grease stains are coming off, which is a sign that you can wash your clothes in a washing machine.

Step 3: Rinse with Warm Water

Before moving on to the next step, it’s important to understand why warm water is necessary. The reason is that warm water works better in removing robust stains, and it’s a perfect answer for how to remove black grease from clothes.

So, without having second thoughts, rinse your clothes with warm water carefully, as it’ll combat the residue of tough oil and grease stains. But if you want more assistance, you can check the laundry and washing symbols on the washing machine.

Step 4: Line Dry

Dry your clothes by hanging them on ropes, and never use the dryer for those outfits with oil or grease stains, it’ll not remove the remaining residue and can even catch fire which could turn out to be dangerous for you.

But if you line dry your clothes, then it’ll give your clothes a natural and fresh look and as for the dryer, the heat will set the remaining stains instead of removing them, and if you’re not satisfied with the outcome, then simply repeat the entire procedure.


Removing oil and grease stains is not a hard process to follow unless you leave the washing for a later wash. Just like you remove toothpaste stains from clothes, the process for removing grease stains is almost the same. 

Before moving forward, here’s a friendly reminder for you that you can hire the services of Love2Laundry to get your premium shirts and pants washed by the hands of professionals to protect them from getting ruined.


So, let’s have a look at the steps for removing old grease stains from shirts and pants:

Step 1: Scrape and Blot Liquid Dish Soap

Scrape off the excess grease with the help of a butter knife or the back side of the spoon. Then, blot the stain with the help of a white towel or apply an enzyme-based detergent for better results and leave it for a good 10 minutes.

Take your shirt and pants to the sink, and a liquid dish soap and start hand washing them, but cross-check your clothes after the wash that the soap residue is completely removed. If not, then rinse your outfit again.

Step 2: Soak in Warm or Hot Water

Before you toss your clothes in the washing machine, soak them in warm or hot water as they deal with strong and stubborn stains of oil and grease better. But it’s not a quick process, you need to leave your shirt and pants in warm water for 30 minutes to loosen up all the hard stains of grease from within.

And if you want to go the extra mile, you can add any regular detergent in the mix so there would be no chance for the stain to stay on your clothes.

Step 3: Wash

After you have successfully pretreated your shirts and pants, start your washing machine and prepare to wash them. Opt for liquid detergents containing enzymes, and most importantly, fill the washing machine with warm water as it’ll remove the oil and grease stain more efficiently than mild or cold water.

To be more precise, cold water tends to leave some of the grease stains on clothes and requires multiple washings, but hot water will do the job for you in a single wash.

Step 4: Line Dry

When you wash jeans properly, remember that you must dry your clothes hanging on ropes and let them dry in the air because if you use a dryer, then the chances are high that some part of the stain will remain on your clothes because of the heat the dryer produces.


If you know how to wash a sleeping bag, then you must know the amount of attention required when washing delicate fabrics. Getting rid of oil and grease stains is already tough when it’s on cotton, so, just imagine how hard it’ll be when it’s on sensitive fabrics.


But don’t panic, there’s a solution for you right under your nose in the form of the steps mentioned below:

Step 1: Remove Excess Grease

If you’re wondering how to get rid of oil and grease stains, then instead of delaying the process you can start with removing the excess grease with a knife or an edgy object to prevent it from further spreading.

Then blot the stain with a clean towel or cloth to get the stain out from your outfit as much as you can so when you wash them, your clothes will come out fresh, and there won’t be a single sign of grease or oil.

 Step 2: Mix a Cleaning Solution

Once you’re done scraping off all the excess grease from your clothes, start preparing a cleaning solution. Take a bowl and fill it up with warm water and the detergent of your choosing, just keep remembering to read the instructions mentioned on the care tag to add the exact proportion.

If you’re out of detergent, then you can go for a liquid dish soap as it also works fine when preparing the cleaning solution and even if you don’t have liquid dish soap, an enzyme-based detergent should be your backup plan.

Step 3: Rub in the Cleaning Solution

Place your clothes on a flat surface and start applying the cleaning solution you’ve prepared. Rub it well on oil stains and leave your clothes with the cleaning solution applied for 10 minutes. If you want, you can use baking soda as well in place of your laundry detergent. 

Remember that you need to rinse your clothes properly and if required, then multiple times in case of using liquid dish soap. You’ll notice that most of the oil stains on clothes after washing are removed.

Step 4: Rinse or Machine Wash

Moving on to the next part, you’ll have two options, either you rinse your clothes or machine wash them. The water you’ll use for rinsing or machine washing your clothes should be as warm as possible because you’re dealing with grease stains here, and only warm water can combat such types of dense particles. 

For further instructions, you can read the washing machine instructions or the instructions mentioned on the clothing label to ensure that the entire process is carried out smoothly.

Step 5: Line Dry

Again, when you wash a duvet or any sensitive fabric which have oil or grease stains on it, the process of line dry is the safest one because if you use a dryer, then the heat produced in it will further damage your clothes.

However, if you’re hesitating in any of the following procedures, then you can avail the benefit of premium services laundry in Amsterdam to get your clothes washed with proper care.

Where Can I Get Oil and Grease Stains Out of Clothes Professionally Laundered?

In case of handling the washing process of your clothes is getting harder and almost impossible for you, then why not go for the professional laundry and dry cleaning services of Love2Laundry?

The reason for hiring the assistance of professional cleaners like Love2Laundry is that your clothes will not only be free from oily and greasy stains but their durability and quality will also get enhanced, in other words, there’s zero percent chance of facing a worst case scenario.

So, instead of experimenting with any new trick without information, opt for top-quality service of laundry in Rotterdam and get your clothes delivered to you in the best condition ever.

<H2> FAQs – Get Oil and Grease Stains Out of Clothes

Which chemical is used to remove oil and grease stains?

The best chemical you can use to remove oily and greasy stains from your clothes is ammonia solution. The particles in this chemical are strong enough to get rid of these stains no matter how old they are.

What home remedy takes grease out of clothes?

The most effective home remedy you can follow to remove grease from your clothes is to add vinegar to your washing process. Place a towel under your clothes and prepare a solution with an equal proportion of vinegar and water.

Can you remove a grease stain after drying?

Yes, you can remove the grease stains from clothes after drying just by following some easy tricks. Blot the liquid dish soap on the stain and leave it for 10 minutes or soak your clothes in warm water for 30 minutes.

Wrap Up!

Oil and grease stains are surely some of the toughest stains to get rid of, and the most irritating part is that they act differently on each fabric, and the washing procedure varies as well. But now, you don’t need to worry a bit because you can wash away even the oldest oily and greasy stains from your clothes by following the steps mentioned above.

Whether it’s a delicate fabric, a three-piece suit, or even a polyester, you’ll wash your outfits without facing any hurdles during the process just save this reminder to use warm water every time you’re dealing with grease stains, the result will surprise you when you see that all the oil spots on clothes after washing and drying have completely vanished.