How To Prevent Clothes From Fading: 5 Simple Tips for Keeping Your Wardrobe Vibrant

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Faded clothes? It’s time to say goodbye to color woes with our expert tips on ‘How to Prevent Clothes from Fading.’ It’s a common struggle: buying the wrong detergent, facing fabric mysteries, and watching your outfits lose their vibrancy. But fear not! Enter Love2Laundry, your ultimate clothing savior.

Our team of professionals not only washes your garments with precision but also holds the secret to preserving colors. Transform your laundry experience, skip the fade drama, and let Love2Laundry revitalize your wardrobe. Because vibrant clothes are a mood, and we’re here to keep the color party alive.

However, if outside assistance for laundry is proving to be costly, you can follow the below-mentioned tips to prevent black clothes from fading:

Top 5 Reasons for Wedding Dress Dry Cleaning

Luxury outfits like wedding dresses and suits require an authentic washing technique because their fabric is delicate, and even a slight mistake can cost you more than you think. So, if you want to save your favorite pair of black jeans, black shirt, or black dress from fading, then continue reading below:

a pile of clothes

Sort with Care:

When faced with a heap of laundry, your first approach on how to prevent clothes from fading should be to sort them. In other words, separate white and colored outfits and then wash them to avoid any chances of color bleeding.

Furthermore, you can keep black clothes from fading simply by sorting your clothes properly and washing them separately.

Turn Clothes Inside Out:

There’s one more thing you must remember. When you wash your clothes by turning them inside out, the color of your clothes will remain unaffected, as the outer part of your outfits won’t be affected by the detergent or the temperature of the washing cycle.

So, whenever someone asks, “How to prevent clothes from fading” in the washing machine?’ you can share this trick.

Also you can check out our blog about how to clean washing machine

Use the Right Detergent:

Choosing the wrong detergent also plays a role in your clothes getting faded, as it’s not suitable for the fabric. So, what you can do is read the instructions mentioned on the label of your clothes to find the right laundry detergent for how to to prevent clothes from fading.

Wash in Cold Water:

If you have a question in mind, ‘Does hot water fade clothes?’ Well, the answer is yes because it penetrates deep within the texture of your outfits and absorbs the color.

That’s why it’s crucial to use cold water whenever you’re washing your clothes in the washing machine. If you want, you can make a list of how to prevent clothes from fading and include this tip.

Avoid Overloading the Machine:

Everyone knows that overloading the washing machine could be a disaster in many factors while washing your clothes; not only would the stains be removed, but most importantly, the chances of color fading increase.

Always check your clothes first, if some of them are not very dirty, then wash them by hand and add only those outfits which can only be cleaned by washing machine.

Say No to Bleach:

Whenever you’re washing your clothes, avoid using bleach at any cost because it will not only ruin the color of the fabrics but can also damage your skin and eyes. Furthermore, removing bleach residue from your clothes can be a challenging task. So, you must exclude bleach from your fading wash routine.

Air Dry Whenever Possible:

There’s another useful tip you might not know much about for keeping your outfits safe from color fading, and that is to air dry them whenever you get the chance. Air drying means hanging them on a clothesline, not in a dryer machine because the temperature is higher, and it’ll damage the color of your clothes.

Dry Clothes Inside Out:

As mentioned above, drying your clothes requires proper attention and care. Additionally, you need to do one more thing: dry your clothes inside out to save yourself from the risk of color fading. If you’re thinking that your clothes won’t dry properly, well, that’s wrong. Drying clothes from the inside is equally effective.

Store Clothes Properly:

Storing your clothes properly is also an important task when it comes to preventing your clothes from color fading. Just as you sort your clothes according to color, store them in your wardrobe similarly to avoid all chances of color fading, as you’ll place your white and dark-colored clothes in a sequence.

Invest in Fabric Softeners:

Another handy tip you can follow to prevent your clothes from colour fading is to apply fabric softeners as well after washing your clothes. Many think that fabric softeners only keep their clothes soft and free from wrinkles, but in reality, they also protect the color of outfits.

Or Hire Love2Laundry

Even after following all the instructions mentioned above, if you face any problem, then you can contact Love2Laundry and save the color of your clothes from fading away as they’ll use all the modern techniques and materials to wash your clothes.

How To Keep Clothes From Fading with Salt?

Have you ever heard of protecting the color of your clothes by using salt? Yes, it’s true. If you want to know how, then below are the instructions that’ll surely help you understand how to prevent clothes from fading:

pile of clothes in drawer

Separate Colors with Salt

Salt can also be used for separating light and dark colored clothes and if you want to do a practical, then pour some salt on your clothes. If you can see the salt, it means that the fabric is dark-colored, and if you can’t see salt, then it’s a white-colored fabric.

Revive Colors with Salt Soak

There’s one more secret technique for how to prevent clothes from color fading and it’s the salt solution. Prepare it by filling a bucket with water and adding salt to it. Stir it well and let the water cool down.

Then, put your clothes in the bucket and soak them thoroughly; it’ll brighten up the color of your clothes. Make sure to spread this trick as much as you can for “how to prevent clothes from fading.”

Add Salt in the Rinse Cycle: 

If preparing the salt solution is proving too much for you, then here’s another easy trick. When you’re about to run your washing machine, add some salt as well; it’ll not only protect your clothes from getting soap residue but also help retain the original color of your clothes. So, make sure to write it down in the list of how to prevent clothes from fading.


How do you keep color from fading in clothes?

To prevent your clothes from color fading, you must use cold water, mild detergent, low heat setting for drying, and avoid overloading the washing machine.

Does salt prevent clothes from fading?

Not permanently, but salt helps in retaining the colors of clothes to some extent; you can use it as a secondary solution.

What causes clothes to fade?

Well, the reason that the color of your clothes fades away depends on several factors, like sunlight, high drying temperature, and the use of bleach.

Does vinegar prevent clothes fading?

Yes, vinegar can help you in preventing color fading from your clothes, especially dark-colored fabrics.


“How to prevent clothes from fading” is a question that sounds easy to handle, but in reality, it’s the opposite. Preventing clothes from fading is a nuanced challenge, but a strategic approach ensures vibrant, long-lasting garments. Start by sorting clothes meticulously based on colors to minimize the risk of color bleeding. 

Avoid overloading washing machines, as this compromises water and detergent distribution, increasing the likelihood of color fading. Crucially, eliminate bleach from your laundry routine, as its stain-removing prowess comes at the expense of vibrant colors.

By adopting these practices, you proactively preserve the integrity of your clothes, ensuring they remain as vivid as the day you acquired them. A thoughtful laundry routine goes a long way in maintaining the allure of your wardrobe.