How to Remove Candle Wax from Carpet [Step by Step Guide]


The enticement of a cozy and pleasant atmosphere created by candles gives a homely vibe and promotes a sense of peace, but accidents happen, right? What if the candle wax drips over the carpet or rug? By then, you will be clueless about how to remove candle wax from the carpet. Do you want to know how to remove candle wax from the carpet? We have got some useful hacks and solutions for you.

We understand that the removal process from the carpet might be stressful for you, especially if you are hosting a party at your place the same night and you don’t have resources. 

Don’t panic! Love2Laundry can get the job done for you; we are known as laundry and dry cleaning experts in Amsterdam. Also, we provide high-quality and dry cleaning services with a quick turnaround time. Our skilled and professional dry cleaners are capable of removing candle wax from the carpet, or any other tough stains.

How to Remove Candle Wax from Carpet

Removing candle wax from the carpet is tough and tricky, but this guide aims to simplify the entire process for you. Continue going through this blog to find out how to get wax off the carpet.

Materials You’ll Need

  1. Gather paper towels or brown paper bags. This will absorb the excess melted wax, making it easier to treat the stains afterward.

  2. An ice pack or ice cubes to harden the candle wax.

  3. A butter knife or spoon is used to scrape off the wax gently.

  4. Iron to melt and lift the remaining wax from the carpet.

  5. A bottle of white vinegar to tackle any residual stains.

  6. Clean cloth or sponge for gently scrubbing the carpet.

  7. A carpet cleaner is optional for a final touch.

Step 1: Freeze the Wax

The first and foremost step of removing the wax from the carpet should be freezing the wax. This step should be taken as soon as the wax is spilled off because taking time means letting the wax or stain sit on the surface. 

Freezing the wax will make it less sticky and make it easy to scrape off or remove wax from the carpet. All you need to do is put an ice bag on the top of the wax area and let it freeze for at least 10 minutes. Leave the ice on the spot until it gets frozen completely.

Caution: Make sure to freeze it only and not making it wet. As moisture will cause the wax to settle on the surface.

Step 2: Scrape Off the Wax

After freezing the wax, the next step you should take is to scrape off the wax gently by using a dull or butter knife, as it will not damage the fibers of your carpet. When you are done scraping it off the carpet, vacuum the pieces of scrapped wax, or you can even blot it out with the help of a dry cloth.

Caution: Make sure not to use sharp or pointed objects. As it will damage the texture or fibers of your carpet.

Step 3: Use Paper Towels or Brown Paper Bags

Now, after scraping off the wax by using a butter knife, pick any paper towels or brown paper bags and place them over the wax. Set an iron at its lowest temperature and heat the paper towel. 

By heating the wax through paper towels or bags, it will absorb the remaining wax. Once the cloth starts absorbing, reposition it on the wax stains. Repeat the process till it absorbs the wax completely. You can even use a hair dryer for this purpose if ironing does not suit you.

Caution: Make sure not to give excessive heat to your carpet as it may cause the wax to spread. Plus it can burn your carpet as well.

Step 4: Remove Residual Stains with Vinegar

Removing stains with vinegar has always been a perfect choice as it’s acidic in nature and can remove any kind of stains be it candle wax. All you have to do is to make a solution of distilled water and ¼ ratio of vinegar and let it do magic. 

  • Once the wax is dried, scrape or chip away the wax using a dull knife.

  • mix a solution of equal parts; water and vinegar.

  • Pick a clean soft cloth and pour it into a vinegar solution.

  • Rub it gently over the wax surface and let it sit for about 60 minutes.

  • The acetic acid in vinegar is mild and it affects the stains efficiently.

  • Once you are done with removing the wax stains.

  • Clean the residues with the help of clean cloth or towel.

Tip: Always test the vinegar solution on a small, inconspicuous area of your carpet first to ensure it doesn’t cause any damage.

Step 5: Clean the Carpet

The final step would be cleaning the carpet with a high-quality and eco-friendly cleaner for your carpet or the affected area. Dap the clean cloth into the solution and rub it gently over the spots of wax. Don’t go rough, as it will damage the texture and fibers. After rubbing it with a solution, run a vacuum on the carpet and let it dry.

How to Get Dried Wax Out of Carpet

  • The longer the dried wax remains on the carpet, the harder it can be to remove.

  • However, experts say that using dental floss is more effective against the removal of candle wax; it’s helpful for getting in the gaps between the wax and fibers.

  • Freezing the wax will make it less sticky because it will prevent it from getting moisture and settling into the surface; hence, it is easy to scrape the dried wax.

  • Scrape off the wax by using a butter knife or any dull object; it will prevent damage to your carpet fibers and texture, especially if it’s designed.

  • Use a paper towel or brown paper to heat; ironing through a paper towel prevents direct exposure to heat.

  • Remove residues of dried wax by using white vinegar. as vinegar is the best source of stain removal and it can help to fight against stubborn spots.

  • Once you are done, clean the carpet and the wax residues with carpet cleaner and run a vacuum thoroughly.

  • Also, you can repeat one of the methods mentioned above until it gets removed completely.


How do you get dried candle wax off the floor?

Harden the candle wax spills with ice, and hold the ice cubes on top of the wax for at least a minute. Then scrape it off with a thin blade like an item such as a credit card or butter knife; don’t scratch it. Sweep the residues and clean the area with a microfiber cleaning cloth. In this way, we can get dried wax off the floor without damaging it. 

Does vinegar remove floor wax?

Yes, vinegar removes the floor wax. You can make the mixture by adding 1 ⁄ 4 ratio of vinegar, 1 gallon of distilled water, and one cup of cream of tartar. Mop it on the floor and allow it to settle for some minutes. In this way, you can remove the wax from the laminate or wooden floor without damaging it.

Will a steam cleaner get candle wax out of the carpet?

Steam cleaner like Sargent Steam BRZ2 is a good option to get candle wax out of the carpet. It contains plenty of heat to make the spilled candle wax melt.

Will hot water get wax out of the carpet?

The warm water will help melt and remove the wax. It should be below the boiling point, or else it won’t be effective.


At last, you came here with a bundle of questions on how to remove candle wax from the carpet, but now you are going with a bag full of recommendations and solutions. We tried our best to make it super easy for you and mentioned the handy methods to get rid of candle wax from your carpet.

However, if you prefer to get it done by professionals, then you can reach out to love2laundry laundry in Amsterdam. Our experts are trained to handle stains and spots using highly efficient methods and eco-friendly products.