How to Remove Ketchup Stains from Clothes

Removing ketchup stains from your clothes is surely a challenging task, especially if the stains are older and dryer, and if the stain is fresh, then you can remove it with the help of a towel.  Besides that, the removal of ketchup stains depends on how dense and deep the stain is, which means that you can even remove it by hand wash if machine wash is not required.

And yes, here’s a friendly reminder for you that if you want to hire top quality laundry and dry cleaning services in Amsterdam, then you can contact Love2Laundry to get your clothes washed by professionals. So, if you’re looking for some effective ways for how to remove ketchup stains from your clothes, then below are the steps. But first, let’s start with the ingredients required for washing:

Things You Need to Remove Ketchup Stains from Clothes


  • Bucket
  • White Cloth
  • Sponge
  • Butter Knife


  • Liquid laundry detergent
  • Stain Remover
  • Lemon juice
  • White Vinegar

How to Remove Ketchup Stains from Clothes 

Remove the Solid Part

The first step is to remove the ketchup as much as you can with the help of a butter knife and a spoon, as it won’t damage the fabric. Just make sure you don’t rub too much harder while removing the ketchup stain because it’ll spread and get deeper into your clothes. Remember not to apply the detergent directly on the stain before removing the excess part, as it’ll get even denser than before

Apply Cold Water on the Back of the Stain

After removing the excess stains, the second step you must follow is to run cold water on the back side of the stain. Always remember to use cold water because it’ll set out all the remaining stains from the fibers and avoid two mistakes: one is not to use hot water, and the second is not to apply water from the front side; it’ll only spread the stain further.

Rub your Clothes with Liquid Detergent

Liquid detergents are one of the most important things you need to remove ketchup stains from your clothes. It helps you with not only removing the ketchup stains but the oily component as well. 

However, if you don’t have a liquid detergent, then using a mild dish soap will do the job, as it can also be used to remove the oily substance. Furthermore, apply the liquid detergent in a circular motion and from the outside part to prevent the spread of the detergent.

Toss your Clothes in the Washing Machine

After you’ve applied all the steps mentioned above, you can finally toss your clothes in the washing machine along with the detergent you’re using. Just make sure to read the label of your clothes to confirm the ideal washing cycle settings so that the colour of your fabric won’t fade away or tear apart.

How to get Dried Ketchup Stains out of Clothes

If the ketchup stains on your clothes are old or you’ve left it for enough time to let it dry, then don’t worry. Just follow the steps below, and no matter how old the ketchup stain is, it’ll be removed:

  • The first step is to remove any excess ketchup stains if you see any.
  • Then, soak the affected area of your fabric in cold water.
  • Apply the detergent you’re using evenly on the stain mark and let the solution rest for at least 10 minutes.
  • Rinse the stain area with warm water and then wash your clothes as you normally do.

Besides that, below are some of the additional tips you can follow if you still need to get rid of ketchup stains.

Also Read: Caring for Vintage Clothes

Additional Tips for Removing Ketchup Stains from Clothes 

If the stains won’t be removed after the proper wash, then rub the detergent on the stain and put your clothes in warm water for 30 minutes. Rinse it properly, then apply a stain remover or gel and then wash your clothes again.

If you find a dried ketchup stain on your fabric before washing them, then first let your clothes soak in cold water for 15 minutes. It’ll loosen up the density of the stain from the fibres of your outfits.

Final Thoughts

Ketchup stains are surely one of the toughest to remove if not taken care of in time, and people who don’t have enough resources and knowledge will face many problems.

Well, that’s not the case anymore, as now you can get the much-needed help from the steps mentioned above for how to remove ketchup stains from your clothes. For example, pretreating the stain if it’s not dense, using a strong liquid detergent, and, most importantly, applying cold water instead of hot water.

And if you lack time to wash your clothes, then you can contact Love2Laundry and avail yourself of the benefit of the best dry cleaning and laundry services. As the number one service provider in Amsterdam, we’ll make sure to wash your clothes with proper care as the priority. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Do ketchup stains come out of white?

Yes, ketchup stains can come out of laundry; however, it depends on multiple factors. Start with blotting the stain instead of rubbing with the help of a clean cloth or a paper towel to remove excess ketchup. Then, rinse the stain in cold water to reduce its density and then finally wash it.

Does ketchup permanently stain?

No, ketchup is not a permanent stain, but it can be tough to remove if you leave it for a longer period, and if your fabric is exposed to heat, then it could get even denser than before. So, make sure to wash your clothes in a timely if they have ketchup stains.

Why is ketchup hard to remove?

Ketchup is hard to remove because of the ingredients it has besides tomato, which are vinegar, sugar, and multiple spices, which can make a dense spot in fibres if not taken care of, so treating it on time is the right way to proceed.

What is the best stain remover for ketchup stains?

You’ll find many stain removers in the market, but the most recommended ones are listed below:

  • Hydrogen Peroxide
  • Liquid Detergents
  • Commercial Stain Removers
  • White Vinegar