How to Wash a Quilt: A Step-by-Step Guide for Quilt Lovers

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Washing a quilt on your own can be a daunting task, but fear not. Cleaning your cozy quilt can not be a challenge anymore. In this blog, we’ll discover the techniques for keeping quilts warm and supple while retaining their bright colours and detailed embroidery as we dive into the art of washing quilts. 

We offer comprehensive advice to guarantee that your quilt, whether it’s a treasured family relic or a more recent addition to your bedding collection, comes out of the washer feeling cosy and welcoming.

Before moving forward, every procedure has some tips to follow, which enhances the overall process, and the same is the case with maintaining quilts. So, let’s see some tips for how to wash a quilt:

  • Keep your washing machine on a gentle cycle while washing quilts.
  • Vacuum the quilts first before washing them.
  • If you don’t have a vacuum, then brush it with gentle hands.
  • Use cold water when washing quilts.
  • Always opt for a fragrance-free detergent.

Either you can follow this detailed guide and get it done on your own, or let Love2Laundry do it for you.

Either you can follow this detailed guide and get it done on your own, or let Love2Laundry do it for you.

Method 1: How to Wash a Quilt with Your Hand 

Washing your quilts by hand is the best approach if you want to keep them more durable and safe from colour bleeding. Why? Because hand washing always has a gentle approach and detergents are not usually required, dish soap will do the job. But instead of rushing things, moving step-by-step is the right way, and first is to gather the required materials, so, let’s see what they are:


Step 1: Gather Your Supplies

Start preparing the washing process of your quilt by gathering the supplies first, if you’ve washed them before, then it won’t be a problem. However, if it’s your first time, then you can read the washing instructions for quilts, and you’ll surely get all the details regarding the materials, which are:

  • A bathtub or a large container
  • Mild detergent (avoid harsh chemicals)
  • Lukewarm water
  • Soft bristle brush
  • White vinegar
  • Towels

Step 2: Check for Stains

Cross-check your quilt after setting up the washing process to see where the stains are and whether they ripped off from some places or not if required, you can pretreat the stains first before washing them to make sure that the effect of stains gets to a minimum level.

There’s another fact you might not be aware of, which is that you can use an oxygen bleach to clean the quilt. 

Step 3: Fill the Bathtub or Container with Water

Moving on to the next step, fill up the bathtub with cold water and then add at least 2 tablespoons of laundry detergent but just ensure to leave enough space so that your hands fit in comfortably while cleaning quilts.

Furthermore, avoid using more detergent than needed because it’ll make your work longer as more rinsing would be required during the process of how to wash a quilt.

Step 4: Add Mild Detergent

When washing a quilt by hand, people mostly prefer to go for mild detergent rather than regular ones because it’ll keep the quilt safe from the aftereffects and will look just like a new one.

Remember that using a mild detergent is the game changer when you’re noting down the steps for how to wash a quilt by hand.

Step 5: Submerge the Quilt

As per the washing instructions for the quilt, put it in the tub or sink you’ve filled with cold water and detergent and let it submerge. Then shake your quilt in the tub a little bit so that the detergent goes deep within the fibers.

This way, even the tough stains will be removed, and you’ll get a completely cleaned and almost new quilt in your hand. Soaking your quilt in the solution for 10 minutes is enough. 

Step 6: Gentle Cleaning

As everyone knows, the fibres of the quilt are sensitive, so cleaning it gently is the only possible way. If you wash it roughly, then you’ll not only end up tearing your quilt but also failing to retain its original colour.

So, if you’re wondering how to wash a quilt, then always keep the gentle approach right on the back of your head.

Step 7: Rinse Thoroughly

Whether you wash quilt in the washing machine or by hand, thorough rinsing is compulsory because you don’t want to deal with the residue left behind. After all, if you do, then it would not only ruin the fabric but can give you skin diseases as well.

Step 8: Use White Vinegar

Most people don’t have enough knowledge of how useful white vinegar is while washing quilt. The main reason for this is the residue of the detergent left behind.

When you apply white vinegar to your quilt, you can say goodbye to all the tough residues that don’t get removed from rinsing. 

Step 9: Repeat Rinsing

If you feel like your quilt still contains some residue left by the detergent and is not completely removed from the first rinsing, then simply repeat the process. Rinse your quilt two to three times, and for sure all the residue will be removed.

Step 10: Dry Carefully

Now comes the final step for how to wash a quilt which is to dry them. As the fabric of quilts is sensitive, when you’re done washing them, leave them in your basin for some time to let all the excess water come out of it.

Avoid twisting and fraying them instead, lay them flat on a dry towel and let your quilt air dry. Switch the side after three to five hours, and it’ll be completely dried.

How to Wash a Quilt in your Washing Machine?

If you want to wash your quilt with less effort and energy, then why don’t you switch to the washing machine? Moreover, using the washing machine to wash quilts is easier than by hand, so let’s see the steps:


Step 1: Check the Quilt Label

Before you wash a quilt in the washing machine, you must read the label first to see the proper instructions like the suitable detergent, washing cycle, and the nature of the fabric.

Washing them without any precaution can lead you to a massive failure like tearing up the fabric, colour bleeding or even ruining its shape. So, note this step for how to wash a quilt.

Step 2: Place the Quilt in a Large Pillowcase

No, put your quilt in a pillow case before tossing it in the washing machine, so when the washing begins, the pillowcase will ensure that your quilt remains safe from the residue of detergent and the chances of wear and tear would be zero percent.

Step 3: Start the Machine

After preparing your quilt, add water, detergent, and turn on the washing machine and choose the gentle washing cycle. You’ll be more than happy to see that all the stains are removed from your quilt and no sign of potential damage.

Step 4: Rinse and Spin

Set your washing machine on proper rinse and spin setting to clear out all the excess water from your quilt. After that, either dry it by natural method or simply use a dryer.


Can you wash the quilt in the washer?

Of course, you can use a washer to wash your quilt, just make sure to read the washing instructions mentioned on the label of your quilt to avoid all the wrong moves.

Should quilts be dry-cleaned or washed?

Well, it depends on the condition your quilt is in. But if you’re hesitant in making the decision simply contact Love2Laundry and give your quilt to their team. They’ll tell you whether your quilt requires dry cleaning or just normal washing. 

What is the difference between a quilt and a duvet?

Both quilt and duvet are used for bedding, but the difference is of several factors like fabric type and the use of it, and when it comes to washing them, you must read the label first.

Can I put a quilt in the dryer?

Yes, you can put your quilt in the dryer to dry it if you follow the settings required for the process because overdoing the process will ruin your quilt inside out.

Wrap Up!

There’s no doubt that quilts play an important role when it comes to decorating your rooms, especially to enhance your bed sets. The main thing is how to wash a quilt as they’re prone to the outer environment.

Mostly, people don’t know much about quilts and leave them without washing and after some time, your quilt would be as good as a scrape. But don’t worry, you can follow the steps mentioned above and can save your quilts from permanent damage.