How To Wash Fleece Blanket with Everyday Essentials


The humble fleece blanket, our loyal winter companion, the ultimate movie marathon partner, and the champion of nap enablers. But, let’s be honest, after countless snuggles and popcorn spills, it can start to look a bit messy. So, you must know the proper strategy for “how to wash fleece blankets.”

You can either get it done by a professional or do it at home, but it requires a bit of time and the right approach. Therefore, we recommend entrusting it to industry professionals like Love2Laundry.

However, if you still want to know how to wash fleece blanket, let’s explore some tips and tricks for doing it yourself, as mentioned below:

How To Wash a Fleece Blanket – STEP BY STEP

Now, if you’re wondering how to wash a fuzzy blanket, then don’t worry, because in this guide, you’ll get a detailed process in the form of steps that’ll help you understand the whole thing easily. But first, let’s have a look at the materials you’ll need to start the process:

Materials You’ll Need

Following are the materials you’ll need while washing a blanket:

Gentle Cycle Washing Machine

Using a gentle washing cycle means that the fabric of the fleece blanket is sensitive and a regular washing cycle can prove to be costly while washing fleece blankets.

Soft Brush or Cloth

A soft brush or a piece of cloth can be effective, especially when you checking your fleece blanket and if you find some dust particles or pet furs, you can quickly get rid of them by using it.

Fabric Softener (Optional)

If you want, you can use a fabric softener as well as an optional method to soften up your fleece blanket even more.

Dryer with Low Heat Setting

Whenever drying your fleece blanket, make sure to use a low heat setting because high heat will damage the colour and fabric quality.

Tennis Balls (Optional)

If you want to keep the fabric of your fleece blanket fluffy and soft, then you can roll tennis on the fabric to remove the thin fibers that appear after the wash, but remember, it’s an optional method.

Washing Instructions of Fleece Blanket

If you’re about to start washing your fleece blanket, then just take a detour and read the fleece blanket washing instructions first, the ones mentioned below to carry out the entire process smoothly:

Step 1: Check the Care Instructions

The initial step in learning how to wash a fleece blanket is both common and crucial. It involves reading all the instructions provided on the label of your fleece blanket. This simple act enables you to determine the suitable detergent, the ideal water and washing cycle temperature, and even the recommended drying temperature.

By adhering to these instructions, you’ll be pleasantly surprised to find that the washing process is smooth and trouble-free. Rest assured, the final result will surpass your expectations.

Step 2: Shake It Off

There’s one more step for how to wash fleece blanket before you start pretreating the stains, which is to shake it off properly so that all the excess dust and your pet furs will be removed and as a result, give you a dust-free surface for the pretreatment.

It might sound a bit unnecessary because you can remove the dust particles with the help of a bristle brush or a clean cloth piece. But remember that a brush or piece of cloth cannot remove all the dust particles, shaking it off two to four times is necessary.

Step 3: Pre-Treat Stains

Moving on to the third step, you’ll need to go back and check out the first step which is to read the instructions mentioned on the label of your fleece blanket. You must be wondering why. Well, the reason is that when you read those instructions, you’ll get to know exactly what type of detergent and method is suitable for the pre-treatment.

The most effective method for pretreating your fleece blanket is to use an enzyme-based stain remover or a heavy-duty laundry detergent. It’s important to note that oil-based laundry detergents should be avoided, as they can damage the quality of your fleece blanket rather than assist in stain pretreatment.

Step 4: Load The Washing Machine

Once you’re done pretreating your fleece blanket with the most suitable laundry detergent, now comes the most important part, which is to start loading your washing machine. As mentioned above, you’ll be required to pour in cold water and set the gentle washing cycle to avoid all the chances of potential damage.

However, there’s a special condition for how to wash fleece blanket if you’re using it for your pet, only then you can use a permanent washing cycle as the stains and furs on the fleece blanket would be dense and strong which can only be removed through a strong washing process.

Step 5: Choose The Right Cycle

After you’ve added water, laundry detergent, and your fleece blanket, now just before starting your washing machine, you must set the washing cycle mandatory for your fleece blankets because if you end up selecting the wrong one, your entire fleece blanket will sustain horrible damage.

So, the only reasonable solution for this is to opt for a gentle washing cycle because the fabric of fleece blankets is manufactured from polyester and offers a soft touch, and washing them without applying any extra pressure would be the right way to go.

Step 6: Skip The Fabric Softener (or Not)

If you want to level up the washing experience of your fleece blanket cleaning, then you can follow this optional step of using a fabric softener to ensure that no wrinkles remain on the fabric after you finish washing your fleece blanket. Otherwise, you can continue washing without a fabric softener.

Well, if you want to know the reason why using a fabric softener is beneficial, it’s simple. When you complete the washing process and let your fleece blanket dry, it ends up giving you a hard texture so, to make it feel soft and smooth, you can apply the fabric softener.

Step 7: Time To Dry

Now that you’re done washing and rinsing your fleece blanket, here’s the next step which is to dry it, but remember that drying it through a machine could cause damage to the fabric which means that you must dry your fleece blanket naturally, in sunlight.

However, if your house is small and there’s no proper airflow or place for sunlight to come in, only then you can use a dryer but keep in mind to use low heat settings. High heat setting will not only harm the fibres of your fleece blanket but it’ll also damage the color and quality too. So, when it comes to “how to dry fleece blanket” without having any trouble, the natural way is perfect.

Step 8: Store with Care

One common mistake people make after washing their fleece blankets is failing to store them properly in their closets or drawers. Therefore, it’s essential to include this step in your ‘how to wash a fleece blanket’ routine.

If you simply toss your fleece blanket into your closet, it can lead to unnecessary wrinkles forming on the outer fabric. If not addressed promptly, these wrinkles may become permanent.

Experts Tips To Keep Your Fleece Blanket Clean For Long

Seeking to enhance the durability of your fleece blanket for long-term use? You’ll find additional tips beyond the washing procedure below. So, no need to panic, just read on.

  • Make a regular habit of using cold water, mild detergent, and a gentle washing cycle whenever you’re washing your fleece blanket.
  • Include this tip in the ‘how to wash fleece blanket’ list: separate it from lint-shedding fabrics for better results.

  • If you notice that your fleece blanket has more fur and dust particles than expected, simply use a soft-bristled brush on the surface.

  • If possible, use your washing machine without the central agitator when learning ‘how to wash fleece blankets.’ This reduces the likelihood of pilling due to reduced friction.


Can you put a fleece blanket in the washing machine?

Indeed, you can place a fleece blanket in the washing machine. However, it’s advisable to check the label for any specific instructions. Remember to opt for a gentle washing cycle whenever you decide to wash it.

How often should fleece blankets be washed?

There isn’t a fixed schedule for washing your fleece blanket, as it depends on how frequently you use it. However, for a general guideline, washing it once or twice a month or as soon as stains become visible is recommended. If it’s primarily used for decorative purposes, washing it once or twice a season should suffice.

How do you keep fleece blankets soft after washing?

Maintaining the softness of your fleece blanket after washing is simple; you just need to follow some effective steps. These include using a mild detergent during the wash, optionally applying fabric softener, and tumble drying with low heat settings. These measures will leave your fleece blanket softer than you might expect.

Does fleece shrink after washing?

Let’s clarify one thing: fleece blankets are resistant to shrinking. Nevertheless, it’s advisable to follow the instructions provided on the tag of your fleece blanket to prevent any confusion. The best practice is to use cold water and a gentle washing setting every time.

What is the best wash setting for fleece?

The optimal washing setting for a fleece blanket involves using a mild detergent to maintain fabric softness, cold water to prevent shrinking, and a delicate washing cycle to minimize agitation. It’s important to note that there’s no need to use a fabric softener, as it can leave unwanted residue and affect the blanket’s structure.

Wrap Up!

Even seemingly easy tasks can become challenging when you’re short on time or lack the knowledge and resources. This applies to the process of ‘how to wash fleece blankets.’ For example, if you’re unfamiliar with the fabric or don’t have access to a washing machine at home, carrying out the process can be daunting.

But there’s no need to worry. You can now bid farewell to all the obstacles and difficulties associated with “how to wash fleece blanket.” Above, you’ll find a detailed, step-by-step process along with the necessary materials. By following these instructions carefully, you can not only save yourself from problems but also ensure the protection of your fleece blanket.

Additionally, consider the following steps to enhance your fleece blanket washing experience: use cold water, opt for a mild detergent, and select a delicate washing cycle. Wash it separately from lint-producing fabrics to avoid excess fur. Don’t forget to brush your fleece blanket if you notice pet fur or dust particles. Most importantly, if possible, run your washing machine without a central agitator to reduce the risk of fabric pilling to clean fleece blankets.